Donkeys For Sale We are located in "Kentucky" All of our babies are handled since birth and therefore are very friendly. We do not buy donkeys for resale (except our rescues that we place into permanent homes after rehabilitating them). All donkeys are sold with health records showing dates of vaccination and worming. We will also include an informative sheet about the basic care of your new donkey and welcome any questions you may have before or after the sale. Donkeys will not do well by themselves and should be kept with another donkey in order for them to be well adjusted and happy. (Please also read terms of sale on the bottom of the page). Note: Our donkeys are NOT offered for sale on Facebook or any other Social Media pages or Craigslist. Therefore, if you see pictures of them anywhere else offered for sale, please contact us immediately. There are scammers out there that make it their business selling donkeys, they do not own. Please contact us directly through our website email or give us a call (number listed at bottom of page). If no answer we will return your call at our earliest convenience. Note: Pictures are thumbnails. Therefore you may click any picture to see a larger version. Scroll all the way down to see all the donkeys we have for sale since there are different categories. Jacks and Geldings For more information e-mail us at or or call us at 270-753-9270 - discounts apply if more than one donkey is purchased. Information on parentage of the foals can be seen on the respective year's foal pages. Jacks will sell as pets to make them more affordable for everyone - (no papers unless otherwise stated). If you are interested in registration please inquire. Boys are not microchipped.
Jennies - Jenny/Foal pairs
Pets only - No breeding & retired Jennies We usually retire our jennies between 10 - 12 years of age.
Mature Open Jennies All jennies sell either already registered - or with application for registration unless stated otherwise. Parentage information and newborn pictures can be seen on the respective year's foal page. All mature girls are microchipped. For more information e-mail us at or or call us at 270-753-9270 - discounts apply if more than one donkey is purchased. Click on the donkey's name to see more information including previous foals.
Terms of Sale The purchase price is for the purchase of the animals only. Unless otherwise stated a coggins test is not included in the sale. If the purchaser requires a coggins test, that cost will be added to the purchase price of the animal. If a coggins test is needed we need a 2 week's notice before the animal is scheduled to leave. A non-refundable down payment of normally half of the purchase price is required to hold any donkey. The remainder is due before the animal can leave our premises. We do not accept out of state personal checks at pick up time. At pick up only "cash" will be accepted. For the down payment a personal check will be accepted provided it has a couple of weeks to clear the bank. We do accept Pay-Pal, but a (3% fee will be charged to the customer). This is the fee that Pay-Pal charges us. Please contact us if you have any questions about our terms or if there are special circumstances. We work with our customers any way we can. Donkeys For Sale Testimonials from new "Donkey Parents" Vicious Dog Attacks (contains a disturbing picture)
Please click the link below to E-mail us: The Little Friends Ranch Nadia Attia-O'Bryan 1034 Carl Crisp Rd. Almo, KY 42020 270-753-9270
Last modified: 03/01/25 08:42 PM Website designed by Nadia Attia-O'Bryan Copyright © Nadia Attia-O'Bryan, all rights reserved |